Latest University News

25 October 2024

University of Galway Masters programme recognised as Apple Distinguished School

University of Galway’s Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas programme has been recognised as an Apple Distinguished School.   The award identifies centres of excellence in the use of technology in education for the period 2024-2027.   University of Galway’s Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas was the first educational programme outside of the US to attain this recognition in 2015 and it has retained the status ever since.   Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of leadership and educational excellence that demonstrate Apple’s vision for learning with technology. Schools are selected based on their commitment to continuous innovation in education, to inspire, imagine, and impact teaching and learning.               Professor Michal Molcho, Head of University of Galway’s School of Education, said: “The MGO programme is recognised internationallly for its pioneering work in the area of digital and mobile technology in teacher education and education more broadly.  This award affirms its position as a leader in this area of research and practice.”   An Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas at University of Galway is a two year, full-time, second level teacher education programme. Established in 1998, it is offered entirely through the medium of Irish and is the only programme of its kind in Ireland. The programme is recognised by the Teaching Council of Ireland for the purposes of registration as a post-primary teacher.   An Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas has the highest employment rate of any teacher education programme in Ireland, a recognition of the expertise of the graudtaes in using technology to embed best practice in innovative learning and teaching.               Seán Ó Grádaigh, Director of the MGO programme at University of Galway, said: "Being part of the Apple Distinguished School community is immensely beneficial to An Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas. It has provided us with a platform to share best practices and learn from other institutions around the world. With technology constantly evolving, it is essential for educators to stay updated on new developments and advancements. We are currently exploring both the opportunities and challenges of AI in education, and the support from this community is invaluable in navigating these complexities.  Is mór linn go bhfuil an MGO roghnaithe mar Apple Distinguished School in athuair."   Ends

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25 October 2024

Aitheantas mar Shár-Scoil Apple ag clár Máistreachta in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe

Tá aitheantas faighte ag an Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas (MGO) in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe mar Shár-Scoil Apple.   Tugann an gradam aitheantas d’ionaid ina mbainfear barr feabhais amach in úsáid na teicneolaíochta san oideachas sa tréimhse 2024-2027.   Ba é Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas Ollscoil na Gaillimhe an chéad chlár oideachais lasmuigh de Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá a ghnóthaigh an t-aitheantas seo in 2015 agus tá an stádas sin aige ó shin i leith.   Is ionaid ina léirítear ceannaireacht agus barr feabhais ó thaobh an oideachais iad Sár-Scoileanna Apple ina gcuirtear fís Apple maidir le foghlaim le cabhair na teicneolaíochta i bhfeidhm. Roghnaítear scoileanna bunaithe ar an gcaoi a gcuireann siad nuálaíocht san oideachas chun cinn go leanúnach, mar fhoinse inspioráide agus samhlaíochta, le dul i gcion ar an teagasc agus ar an bhfoghlaim.               Dúirt an tOllamh Michal Molcho, Ceann Scoil an Oideachais in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: “Tá an clár MGO aitheanta go hidirnáisiúnta as an obair cheannródaíoch a dhéantar air i réimse na teicneolaíochta digití agus soghluaiste in oideachas múinteoirí agus san oideachas trí chéile.  Is dearbhú é an gradam seo ar an stádas ceannaireachta atá ag an gclár sa réimse taighde agus cleachtais seo.”   Is clár oideachais múinteoirí dara leibhéal lánaimseartha é an Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe a bhíonn ar siúl thar dhá bhliain. Bunaíodh é in 1998, agus is clár lán-Ghaeilge é, an t-aon chlár dá leithéid sa tír. Tá an clár aitheanta ag Comhairle Mhúinteoireachta na hÉireann chun críocha clárúcháin mar mhúinteoir iar-bhunscoile.   Tá an ráta fostaíochta is airde ag an Máistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas thar aon chlár oideachais múinteoirí in Éirinn, agus is léiriú é sin ar shaineolas na gcéimithe in úsáid na teicneolaíochta chun dea-chleachtas a neadú i bhfoghlaim agus teagasc nuálaíoch.               Bhí an méid seo le rá ag Seán Ó Grádaigh, Stiúrthóir an MGO in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: "Is mór an cúnamh é don Mháistir Gairmiúil san Oideachas go bhfuil sé aitheanta i measc Shár-Scoileanna Apple. Tá sé tar éis ardán a chur ar fáil dúinn chun na cleachtais is fearr a roinnt agus chun foghlaim ó institiúidí eile ar fud an domhain. De bhrí go mbíonn an teicneolaíocht ag athrú de shíor, tá sé riachtanach go mbeadh oideachasóirí ar an eolas faoi fhorbairtí agus dul chun cinn nua. Táimid ag fiosrú na ndeiseanna agus na ndúshlán a bhaineann leis an Intleacht Shaorga san oideachas faoi láthair, agus faighimid tacaíocht fhíorluachmhar ón bpobal seo chun cruacheisteanna dá leithéid a réiteach. Is mór linn go bhfuil an MGO roghnaithe mar Shár-Scoil Apple an athuair."   Críoch

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24 October 2024

University of Galway Mathematical student awarded prestigious Hamilton Prize

A fourth year student at University of Galway has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Hamilton Prize – the top undergraduate mathematics accolade.     Dara Colleran, from Salthill, Galway City, is one of nine students to have been honoured by the Royal Irish Academy (RIA) for excellence in their final year of study.    The honour commemorates famed Irish scientist William Rowan Hamilton and his discovery of quaternion algebra in Dublin on October 16, 1843 - a four-dimensional number system which has been used in satellite navigation and video game programming.     The awards ceremony takes place on the anniversary each year in the RIA.     Dara Colleran said: “I am very honoured to receive the Hamilton prize in Mathematics. I had a great day with my family in Dublin, where we did the annual Hamilton walk along the banks of the Royal Canal, retracing Hamilton's steps from Dunsink Observatory to Broombridge in Cabra, and attended a ceremony in the beautiful Royal Irish Academy. I am looking forward to exploring my subject further in a Masters degree.”    In recognition of their mathematical excellence, the awardees each received a cash prize of €500 and a certificate of achievement at an award ceremony in the Royal Irish Academy. They also attended an exclusive masterclass with the 2024 Hamilton Lecture speaker, Professor Laura DeMarco from Harvard University, which was hosted by Ibec.    Professor Aisling McCluskey, Head of the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at University of Galway, said: “The award of the prestigious Hamilton Prize is a tremendous honour, recognising the exceptional talent of Dara and others like him from universities across the country. I am delighted to acknowledge and celebrate Dara’s achievement. This special prize underscores the importance of valuing and encouraging our undergraduate mathematicians as they progress into final year and into future STEM careers. We are proud that Dara joins the list of Hamilton Prize winners, representing our School and our University nationally. Ar son na Scoile, comhghairdeachas Dara!”    The nine 2024 Hamilton Prize winners are Dara Colleran, University of Galway; Daniel Cooper, Dublin City University; Laura Cosgrave, University College Cork; Oisín Davey, Maynooth University; Samual Den Dikken, University of Limerick; Kai Quan Lian, Queen’s University Belfast; Mateusz Mroczkowski, TU Dublin; Brian O'Callaghan, Trinity College Dublin; and Jack Sherry, University College Dublin.    Ends 

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